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Funny Jokes – Hole-in-one

Hole-in-one - Funny Joke

Funny Jokes - Hole-ione

Funny Jokes – Hole-in-one

A man was at the golf club for his weekly round of golf. He began his round with an eagle on the first hole and a birdie on the second and third hole.
On the fourth hole he scored his first ever hole-in-one and then his cell phone started ringing.

When he picked up the phone it turned out it was a doctor in the hospital emergency room telling him that his wife had just been in a big accident, and that she was in critical condition in the ICU of the hospital.
The man said to the doctor to tell his wife where he was, and that he would be there as soon as possible.

After he hung up he came to realize that he was cutting short what was possibly going to be his best ever round of golf ever, so after some time of thinking he decided to rush in a couple of more holes before heading to the hospital.

He ended up playing all eighteen holes, finishing his round with a personal best 62, shattering the club record by five strokes and beating his own previous best by more than 9. He was over the moon of pride and joy.
Suddenly, he remembered that his poor wife was in the ICU, a massive guilt trip struck him, so he packed his clubs andrushed to the hospital.

When he finally arrived at the hospital, he rushed up to the doctor, who was standing impatiently in the corridor of the ICU, and asked about the condition of his wife.
The doctor glared at him and started shouting, “You heartless bastard, you went ahead and finished your round of golf didn’t you?”

Being very ashamed, the man confessed to the doctor that he had.
“Well mister, I hope you are very proud of yourself then, because while you were out enoying yourself for the past 4 hours at the golf club, your poor wife has been fighting for her life in the ICU!
The doctor paused for awhile, “On the other hand, I guess that it’s just as well that you went ahead and finished your round, because I think that more than likely it was be the last one you ever played.”

“Why, what you mean?” the man asked, with tears of remorse streaming down from his eyes.
“Well, because for the rest of her life your wife will require 24 hour ’round the clock care from you. She won’t be able to eat on her own, move by herself or even speak.

Furthermore, she won’t be able to control her bladder or bowel movements anymore, so you my dear sir will have to be her 24/7 caregiver for the next 20 or 30-years or so!”
The man was totally beside himself with guilt and grief, so he totally broke down and started sobbing uncontrollably.

The doctor looked down at the devastated man, and his scowl turned into a big grin.
“Hey man, chill out dude,” the doctor claughed. “I was just screwing around with you. She died three hours ago.

So what did you shoot?”


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