A Frog goes into a bank to get a loan

He approaches the woman at the loan application desk and notes that her name tag reads: Patty Whack. The Frog says, “Excuse me, I’d like to apply for a loan .”
The woman, very surprised that a talking frog was in her bank immediately refuses, saying, “We only work with humans, no animals can get loans here….besides, you don’t have any collateral.”
The Frog hurriedly pulls a little troll doll out of his pocket. “Yes I do! Take my Troll. She means the world to me.” At this point the woman is upset and goes to the bank’s President. “Sir, there is a frog outside trying to get a loan from us. He won’t leave and he says this troll doll is enough collateral!”
The President takes the doll, looks it over very carefully and says, “IT’S A KNICK KNACK, PATTY WHACK!