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An elderly couple tried to get married, but…

Elderly couple tires to get married

Elderly couple tires to get married

Three very different couples want to get married at the same church. There is a very young couple, a middle-aged couple, and an elderly couple of over 70. All three couples meet with the priest of the church to discuss when and how they can get married.

“In order to get married in my church, I have one rule, you really have to go one month without having any sex,” says the priest to the couples.

After one month all three couples return to the church to talk with the priest again. The priest starts with the young couple, and asks them;
“Did you have sex in the last month after you came here first?”
“No we haven’t, and it was very easy to our own surprise,” replies the young couple.

He then turned to the middle-aged couple “How about you?” He asks the couple.
“It was really hard Father, but we didn’t have sex for the whole month,” replies the middle-aged couple.

“And how about the two of you?” He then asks the elderly couple.
“I’m really sorry Father, but we just couldn’t make it till the end,” responds the old man.
“Not??? Then please tell me why not,” says the priest.
“Well Father, my woman had a can of soup in her hand when she accidentally dropped it on the floor. And when she bent over to pick it up again, well, that’s when it happened Father.”
The priest, still a bit in shock, then tells them, “I’m sorry, but in that case, you’re not welcome in my church to get married.”

“We’re also not welcome in the supermarket anymore either,” says the old man.

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